
Browsing this site I have noticed that both veterain and newer members are asking occasionally or having troubles finding a host to put your videos on. I hope this post helps all that are wondering on how to share your videos.

Step one, go to www.youtube.com and join, it's free.

Step two, once joined, log in and click on the upload video button in the top right hand corner.

Step three, confirm your email, then upload your video, and give it relevant keywords to make it easier to find. For example, if it's a Moose hunt in the Vanderhoof area you can give such keywords as "Moose, Hunting, British Columbia, Omineca" and anything else relevant to that video.

Step four, turn off the comments if it's a hunting video. Leaving the comments on leaves your video open to attack from non hunters via the comments system. Suffice to say, not everyone likes hunting, and those that feel strongly about their dislike are rude at best, either you can not care about what they have to say, or turn the comments off.

Step five, post the link here in the community for all of us to enjoy.

By the way, I hope this is not considered advertising as I have nothing to do with youtube, but just want to see people share information on this quality site. If so, please forgive the offence, I am trying to help.

If I missed obvious steps, or you know of other free video hosting and would like to give a lesson on their service, please feel free to do so or inform me to fix this post.