Hi Michel,

Thanks for copying me on your email to Minister Thomson.

The BC Liberals’ latest changes to hunting allocation policy were supposed to resolve a number of key issues facing hunters in British Columbia. Unfortunately it does exactly the opposite, and hunters will suffer for it.

First, every hunter knows that decisions about hunting allocation policy must start with good science. But over the past decade, the BC Liberals’ repeated budget cuts have curtailed much-needed, on-the-ground research and forced wildlife managers to make important decisions in the dark. While the new allocation policy could increase the harvest rate, it will not increase the resources needed to make informed management decisions.

Second, BC hunters engaged with government in what they thought was a genuine discussion about how best to improve hunting opportunities for resident hunters, guide outfitters and their clients. Instead, the BC Liberals largely ignored the input provided by thousands of rank-and-file hunters and made their own decisions with little or no explanation of the reasons or consequences.

New Democrats believe that BC’s resources should be for the use and benefit of British Columbians first, understanding that the guide outfitters sector must have a place in the conversation. We also recognize that resident hunters make a significant contribution to BC’s rural economy and way of life. For instance, many businesses make a living by supporting outdoor recreation and hunting, and resident hunters feed their families with BC game and often contribute to wildlife conservation activities.

And conservation is sorely lacking from this government. Many official reports from the Forest Practices Board and the BC Auditor General have confirmed that the BC Liberals have abandoned the government’s duty to manage our land base. The Mount Polley tailings pond breach and the timber supply crisis remind us of the sometimes tragic results.

In the case of the grizzly bear hunt, last year scientists from three BC universities showed that the BC Liberal government doesn’t have the data about grizzly bear populations that are necessary to make informed decisions about the hunt. Good management and sustainable harvesting must start from good science. But good science and good management principles are exactly what are missing from the BC Liberal government.

New Democrats recognize that the only successful hunting allocation policy is one that has buy-in for a wide variety of hunter groups including the BC Wildlife Federation, and the Guide Outfitters Association. We recognize that allocation decisions must be based on good science and inventory data and must reflect the needs of hunters from across BC.

We believe that hunters must be part of the solutions and cannot be dismissed because key cabinet ministers think they are politically ineffective.

Best regards,


Shane Simpson | MLA Vancouver Hastings
2365 E. Hastings St. Vancouver BC V5L 1V6 |604-775-2277 | shanesimpson.ca