I'm always surprised with some peoples sense of entitlement. I bumped into a couple of guys this weekend who were discussing their blind on Pitt Marsh, and they were of the opinion that even if they show up at noon, they can order people to leave "their" blind.

While I do agree that we should be allowed to leave stuff in the public marsh, rather than having to tear it down every time we are done with it, it doesnt somehow garner "ownership" to the spot, and if someone else beats you to it, you can speak politely to them and maybe they can choose to do you a favor by allowing you to join them, or even leaving the spot altogether, but you dont have any authority over them.

IT IS UNLAWFUL: to interfere with or obstruct a person licensed or permitted to hunt, guide or trap while that person is lawfully so engaged.

If you have a blind set up and are worried about someone else using it, you need to physically occupy it, and get in before legal light, just like everyone else does.