View Full Version : okay for those hunters who have requested this recipe

11-04-2008, 12:51 PM
Being a preschool teacher I have on many occasion read the story Stone Soup to my little students and after we read the story we make Stone Soup for everyone to try as a shared snack.

so I figured I would create a Hunter's version called "Tag Soup" based along the idea of Stone Soup.

The story goes, Opening day of hunting season brings many people out of their homes for that time of year where you see loaded trucks, camoflauged clothing, various firearms and bows, and many tags for the elusive animals we call GAME. The hopes and dreams for these individuals to harvest big trophy animals or just enough to fill their freezer for another year with such wholesome organic meat to feed their families.

Alas time and time again, trip after trip out, the animals are winning and the hunters are losing their quest and the ever so unpopular thought of having to end up with tag soup for the season. Believe me you are not alone in this feeling of dispair. So to overcome your disappointment of the entire season of not cutting your tag, you the hunter decide to call on all your non-tag cutting friends to make the best dang TAG SOUP and have a great party in celebrating your many friends and talk about your past hunting trips where you didn't have to make tag soup and the accomplishments of all your yearly endeavors and before long the excitement of the next year season is glowing and running through your veins.

Now to make Tag soup you all get together and throw away your uncut tags and as each person walks up to the big pot of bubbling water/chicken broth with herbs and spices, they talk about a memory of hunting and drop into the pot a vegetable of their choice nicely chopped into bite size pieces (celery, carrots, potatoes, onions, peas, corn,squash, beans,cabbage) the ideas are endless for Tag soup and someone may even add some fancy noodles. By the time it is all said and done you have a huge pot of soup to share with all your friends and you have forgotten the real reason why you actually started making "Tag Soup".

Have a celebration because remember Hunting is not about the harvest of the animal it is all about the good memories you make while doing something you love and sharing each and every tale with friends and family.


11-04-2008, 01:33 PM
Not a bad idea Alison.....:tongue:

But, I am still waiting for the ultimate way of cooking that big, tough NIL we get every year from the LEH!

I am sooooo successful that I have had the good fortune of bagging a NIL since 1997, some years I have been extra successful and have had several NIL's.... In fact my son is following in my footsteps with two NIL's of his own over the last two years....

So ,deep down, what special "recipe" do you have for us?????...:tongue:

11-04-2008, 01:54 PM

when someone can show me what a NIL looks like I can figure out how to cook one :) lol

I seem to recieve the NIL LEH as well at times and have never seen the elusive critter

11-04-2008, 02:00 PM
You are hunting the wrong area and with the wrong people then.... we see them and get them every year.....:shock:

11-04-2008, 03:41 PM
sheesh Mike YOU get ALL the luck..I never get to have NIL SOUP..BUT I do get to EAT unused SHEEP, GRIZZLY tags yearly lol OOPS..


11-04-2008, 04:14 PM
Pre school teacher????They let you near children???

11-04-2008, 04:18 PM
Pre school teacher????They let you near children???

u betch ur sweet petunias kechika - I have a license an everything to say I am certified and qualified and educated and everything - amazing what the Government of BC will give ya when you work real hard at school

11-04-2008, 04:21 PM
Its obvious the system is flawed:p

11-04-2008, 04:26 PM
Its obvious the system is flawed:p

careful now one day you may want to procreate (oh my gracious help us if that happens) and I could be little kechika's teacher and teach him/her all about Stone Soup :)

okay maybe even TAG Soup too

11-04-2008, 11:03 PM
so anyone care to describe the LEH Nil animal for me or post a pic so I can come up with how to cook it :)